Monday, September 22, 2008

A letter from President Bennion

We didn't receive a letter from Justin today and I was feeling a little sad, since I look so forward to my weekly email. When I checked the mailbox, I found this waiting for me instead.

Dear Brother and Sister Maughan,
I wanted to share with you the news that your son, Elder Maughan, has been called to serve as a trainer for a newly arrived missionary.

As you will no doubt appreciate, the training that a new missionary receives can be of immeasureable assistance in ensuring a successful mission.

Consequently, we try very hard to select as trainers only those missionaires who are demonstrating the highest level of commitment to the work and who possess those qualities of devotion, obedience, and wisdom that are so vital to being a truly successful missionary.

You might be intersted to know that before being asked to serve as trainer, your son was carefully evaluated concerning not only his own qualifications but also his willingness and ability to provide an environment where a new missionary might adjust, learn, and develop those characteristics and skills crucial to success in the mission field.

I am please to tell you that I believe your son fully meets the vital requirements to serve in this calling. I thank you for all you have done to help him to be worthy of this trust and for sharing him with us.

Kind personal regards,
Steven D. Bennion
Mission President

I'm glad President Bennion shared this with us!


Jacque said...

What a great moment for a missionary parent!

Sandra said...

What joy and happiness that letter brought and I hope you get to hear from your son soon.