Monday, November 24, 2008

He's getting off the Rock

"Well, I'm getting of this rock. I don't know where I'm goin'. I'll find out tomorrow. I'm a bit bummed to leave. I love it here. We're teaching some amazing people, the ward has so many people for us to teach, and I had a great relationship with the ward. I'm gonna go get some pics tonight. I really hope that I can come back to Staten Island and serve."

"I just realized today that I'm not really a new guy anymore. Two transfers and I hit my year mark. It's going so fast. I need to change some things. I'm just gonna put myself out there and testify to everyone. I'll never see these New Yorkers again anyway."

"I love it out here so much! I'm excited about getting to meet some new members and find some new investigators. "

~Elder Maughan

When we hear where Justin is going, we'll let you know. In the meantime, just send all mail to the mission office, address is to the right.
A Post Script to this entry:
At about 6:30 tonight, 8:30 New York time, our phone rang. Steve answered and the gentleman on the other end, introduced himself as Bishop Rasmussen from New York. Justin had just been at their home to tell them goodbye! As soon as he left, Bishop Rasmussen called us to tell us what a great missionary Justin is, what a strong testimony he has and how much he enjoyed working with him. (His small children got on the other line and said, "We love Elder Maughan!) It was so nice of this man to call us and to share with us how well Justin is doing. It's little acts such as this, that get this missionary mom from one month to the next! Thank you Bishop.