Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Plainview, Long Island, New York

"Well, I'm out of the City. I think I might be a city boy. I'm in Plainview now with Elder Tenuun (Teh-noon). He's from Mongolia. He didn't learn English til he came out here, so he has an extra hour of language study and I get another hour of personal study. Both of us are brand new to the area, so we had to start a whole new teaching pool. Each of my areas I've had to start a new pool. Tenuun is the most humble guy I've ever met. I feel bad because the language barrier makes it hard for him to express himself to us. This transfer or next could be his last. His visa expires early. He's supposed to have another six months."

"We have a nice apartment. I think its the nicest in the mission. It's the basemant of an Italian lady that always buys us pizza. We have a sofa, electric stove, and a washer and dryer. The washer and dryer are nice."

"We've been going through the records of the elders that were here before us and trying to meet some of their former investigators. Everybody we've visited, either they or one of their neighbors, have invited us back. The beginning of this week is pretty packed with appointments."

"Thanks for everything! I love you so much. I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving. By the way, Tenuun and I ate with the Weavers and then went out to the Bishops for dessert. Have a Merry Christmas season and happy holidays."

~Elder Maughan

Some of the things I've learned when you are serving in the New York New York South Mission . . . You are either "in the city" which consists of Queens and Brooklyn, "on the Island" which is Long Island, (Physically, Brooklyn and Queens are on Long Island, but are part of "the city" or, you're "on the Rock," which is Staten Island, which is part of "the city", but called "the Rock" by the missionaries. Follow? Good! Get out a map and you'll understand better. New York City consists of Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn and Queens. Manhattan and Bronx are not part of this mission. Seriously, get out a map.


Monday, November 24, 2008

He's getting off the Rock

"Well, I'm getting of this rock. I don't know where I'm goin'. I'll find out tomorrow. I'm a bit bummed to leave. I love it here. We're teaching some amazing people, the ward has so many people for us to teach, and I had a great relationship with the ward. I'm gonna go get some pics tonight. I really hope that I can come back to Staten Island and serve."

"I just realized today that I'm not really a new guy anymore. Two transfers and I hit my year mark. It's going so fast. I need to change some things. I'm just gonna put myself out there and testify to everyone. I'll never see these New Yorkers again anyway."

"I love it out here so much! I'm excited about getting to meet some new members and find some new investigators. "

~Elder Maughan

When we hear where Justin is going, we'll let you know. In the meantime, just send all mail to the mission office, address is to the right.
A Post Script to this entry:
At about 6:30 tonight, 8:30 New York time, our phone rang. Steve answered and the gentleman on the other end, introduced himself as Bishop Rasmussen from New York. Justin had just been at their home to tell them goodbye! As soon as he left, Bishop Rasmussen called us to tell us what a great missionary Justin is, what a strong testimony he has and how much he enjoyed working with him. (His small children got on the other line and said, "We love Elder Maughan!) It was so nice of this man to call us and to share with us how well Justin is doing. It's little acts such as this, that get this missionary mom from one month to the next! Thank you Bishop.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Todays letter.....a marriage AND a baptism ???

"Great News. Brother Hunter, from Rexburg, went with us to teach Kim and Richard (Jewish couple) on Tuesday. It was a great lesson. After we taught them about baptism and the Holy Ghost we read Mosiah 18: 7-9. We asked if these were the desires of their hearts and they quickly exclaimed that they were. Then we read verse 10 asked them if they would be bapitzed. They're going to be baptized on the 7th of December, hopefully. We were unsure if they were married, but they had us over for dinner on Saturday night and it became evident that they are not married. I'm pretty sure they will be. It looks like we'll be holding both a baptism and a marriage. Nobody ever once told me that I was going to be set apart as a wedding planner. They came to church on Sunday and the ward just absorbed them. They loved it there. I'm so excited for them."

"Everyone wants me to start teaching free beginning piano lessons as a typeof finding effort. The Spanish and Chinese elders teach free English classes and its worked pretty well for their teaching pool. I guess they want me to use my talents."

"Thats my big news from NYC. Transfers are next week. I hope I stay, I love it here! There is so much going on in the ward and in our teaching. But President Bennion knows best. How does the song go, "I'll go where you want me to go..."

~Elder Maughan

Last weeks letter FINALLY came!

"Hey Everyone! Staten Island is doing great. I can feel the flood of baptismal water making its way around the corner. We're going to invite the Jewish couple to baptism this week after a lesson on prayer and baptism. Richard told us last night that he's trying to build up to prayer. He's so sincere about everything. It's one thing to convert from one Christian denomination to another, but its entirely different converting from something like Judiasm or Islam. "

"Elder Godwin and ZL Elder Hales (we were on exchanges) visited another one of our investigators on Friday, Virginia McDaniel. She teaches at a catholic school preparing kids for "baptism and confirmation", I think its called Catechism . She's very sincere and really wants to know the truth. She is such a sweet lady. She told the Elders of a sweet experience she had a few years ago when she was in the hospital. She had just had surgery and for a few days she was having a very difficult time sleeping. Then a nurse named Mike (kinda funny) told her he would wait with her until she could fall asleep. He said that he would have to step just outside the room and take care of few things but he promised to leave his foot just inside the door so that she could know that he was there. She was able to get two great nights of sleep. The hospital then transfered her to another room on another floor and she asked the hospital to send the nurse Mike down to her room. The hospital told her that there was no nurse named Mike at that hospital. Virginia is adamant that Mike was an Angel sent from God. She believes so much of what we tell her and wants to believe everything, but she's having a difficulty with a couple things. She keeps watching the Restoration DVD and can't get over Joseph Smith seeing the face of Heavenly Father and not dying, as the Bible teaches. We'll have to give her a lesson on transfiguration. Moses saw God face to face and I know that Christ, Peter, James, and John were all transfigured on the Mount of Transfiguration. Pray for us. Hopefully we can invite her to be baptized soon as well. We'll have to get her Hollands Conference talk on Angels."

"Our teaching pool has grown so much this past week. We've been tracting, train fearlessing, looking up former investigators, looking up other potential investigators, delivering media items, the whole sha-bang-a-bang. We've found a new family on the train and we're going to start teaching Abraham, Earnest, and Shanik this week. We've got a full, busy week ahead of us. I'm excited"
~Elder Maughan

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's a good thing there are only 7 days in a week!

Well, we got SKUNKED this week!

As any of you know who have a missionary out, there is almost nothing more disappointing than anticpating your weekly p-day email, only to receive NOTHING! Zero, zip, nada! We got a small response to some random email we'd sent early in the week, but that was it! I'm thinking what happend was that he had an email all written and ready to send and then got booted off the computer. The library he goes to boots them off when their allotted time is up. Atleast that's the theory I'm going with. It's happened before and when it did, he wrote us an actual pen and paper letter. I'm hoping if that's the case, he includes his memory card because I'm getting tired of all these google images! I want the real thing!

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Priesthood

"Shawn Fernando was given the Priesthood and ordained to the office of a Priest last week. That's pretty exciting. We're teaching him tonight at about temples and church organization. He's one of those "golden" investigators that just soaks everything up. Yesterday, Brother Griffeth, 1st counselor of the Bishopric, asked me and Wes Carter (his home teacher) to give him a blessing after church. He's been sick and is having surgery today. He's pretty scared. He's one of the coolest guys I know. He's one of those guys that just wants to be friends and have fun with everyone. He played basketball for Ricks back in the day. It's always humbling to be asked to serve a faithful member as a priesthood holder."
~Elder Maughan

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Catholic, a Jew, a convert and two Mormon Missionaries....(Sounds like and intro to a bad joke, but it's not!)

Wherefore, I the Lord ask you this question—unto what were ye ordained? To preach my gospel by the Spirit, even the Comforter which was sent forth to teach the truth.
Doctrin and Covenants 50:13-14
"We have couple of other investigators that are doing great. One woman is about your age, maybe older, she's really busy with her children and work, she teaches at a Catholic school, scary. She's way nice though. Her name is Virginia. We started teaching a Jewish woman last night. Holy cow, am I glad I've been studying abouth the tribes of Israel last week. She had some good questions about the relationship between the Twelve Tribes and the Twelve Apostles, what happened to the priesthood that was held by the Jews when Christ came. Tough stuff. Marty Oostreicher is a Jewish convert of about two years. He knows his stuff, Judiasm and Christianity. He works for BYU-I doing something, I'm not sure what. He said he'd go with us to teach, but if he can't that he'll visit with us and help us understand Judiasm a bit better, I can't wait."
~Elder Maughan

Monday, October 13, 2008

He's staying on Staten Island

Justin's letter today was upbeat and happy, as usual.

Elder Maughan and Elder Godwin are staying together and staying on Staten Island for atleast one more transfer. He seemed happy about this.

They had a baptism Sunday. A young man named Shawn. Shawn will be confirmed next Sunday.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A few words from today's letter

ABOUT THE WORK: "Everthing is great on the Eastern Front, as Grandpa refers to it. We've got people being baptized, people to teach, and ward that loves us."

~Elder Maughan

Some more from today's letter

ABOUT GENERAL CONFERENCE: "Wow! Conference was amazing! What a way to begin conference, such a powerful first session. Saturday was awsome and ended with PRIESTHOOD SESSION. It all went way too fast. Conference is a nice break from all the work but its still exhausting. It was over so soon. Every speaker spoke with such power and with such authority. I did get a bit emotional as President Monson spoke of the Living Waters that I grew up with."

~Elder Maughan

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The traffic isn't the only thing moving fast in NYC!

Everything is moving so fast in this city. We're teaching all the time. We're finally getting member referals. Everything is so much better then it used to be. I love it.
I love you too.
Elder Maughan

This reminds me of a quote from Elder Bednars talk from April 2008 General Conference titled, "Ask in Faith".

"We properly pray for the safety and success of the full-time missionaries throughout the world. And a common element in many of our prayers is a request that the missionaries will be led to individuals and families who are prepared to receive the message of the Restoration. But ultimately it is my responsibility and your responsibility to find people for the missionaries to teach. Missionaries are full-time teachers; you and I are full-time finders. And you and I as lifelong missionaries should not be praying for the full-time missionaries to do our work!"

What a great reminder to all of us. This has changed the way our family prays for our missionaries!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Three scheduled Baptisms!

Just to let you know, so you wouldn't mourn too heavily for me, we DID receive a letter from Justin yesterday. Apparently, it was suspended somewhere in cyber-space. Or maybe, I was being taught a lesson in patience! Either way, he sent it yesterday morning and I just barely received it today. As you can imagine, I had a million thoughts running through my "mother-head" about why he wouldn't write to his dear old mom. I won't bore you, or, in some cases, make you laugh (AT me, mostly, not WITH me) with the details. Just know, I'm very relieved! (as I'm sure are all my friends are who got to hear me whine!)
Anyway, on to more important items. Elder Maughan and Elder Godwin have THREE baptisms scheduled for October 5th, between the morning and afternoon sessions of General Conference. Two of the candidates are from Lyberia, Abraham and Ernest. The third cadidate just walked into church from off the street. He wants to be baptized so he and his fiance, who is already a member, can be married in the Temple.
Elder Maughan said that he and Elder Godwin have been very busy. They've been going through old records and looking up past, potential investigators. He said "the work is flying!"
All is well in New York!

Monday, September 22, 2008

A letter from President Bennion

We didn't receive a letter from Justin today and I was feeling a little sad, since I look so forward to my weekly email. When I checked the mailbox, I found this waiting for me instead.

Dear Brother and Sister Maughan,
I wanted to share with you the news that your son, Elder Maughan, has been called to serve as a trainer for a newly arrived missionary.

As you will no doubt appreciate, the training that a new missionary receives can be of immeasureable assistance in ensuring a successful mission.

Consequently, we try very hard to select as trainers only those missionaires who are demonstrating the highest level of commitment to the work and who possess those qualities of devotion, obedience, and wisdom that are so vital to being a truly successful missionary.

You might be intersted to know that before being asked to serve as trainer, your son was carefully evaluated concerning not only his own qualifications but also his willingness and ability to provide an environment where a new missionary might adjust, learn, and develop those characteristics and skills crucial to success in the mission field.

I am please to tell you that I believe your son fully meets the vital requirements to serve in this calling. I thank you for all you have done to help him to be worthy of this trust and for sharing him with us.

Kind personal regards,
Steven D. Bennion
Mission President

I'm glad President Bennion shared this with us!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Today's letter . . . I think he likes NYC!

"Last week was September 11th. All the flags were at half-mast. A couple of days before the 11th another new missionary, Elder Teixeira and I were out and we looked up in the direction of Manhattan, we couldn't see the city, but saw two pillars of light reaching up into the dark night above. On the 11th we rode the ferry to Manhattan and you could see to pillars of light rising up from where the Twin Towers were. It was really neat. I got some amazing pictures."
"It's still so sureal being in NYC. Especially seeing the Statue of Liberty, the Manhattan skyline, and something as patriotic as this monument for the World Trade Center. I don't think I'll ever realize that I was in NY until I get home. I love it out here. There's nowhere in the world I'd rather be, than right here in NYC . I've got a great district and President. I love President so much. There's no one that can replace Presdent Bennion, and I'll be sad when he leaves next summer. We have Zone conference tomorrow in the Dyker Heights chaple in BKLYN, about a 20 minute drive. I can't wait to hear from President."
~Elder Maughan

Monday, September 8, 2008

Latest news from New York

Just got a letter this morning. Elder Maughan is training a brand new missionary, straight from the MTC. His name is Elder Godwin and he's from Queenscreek, Arizona. He sounds busy and happy!

Zone at Coney Island

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The light at the end of the Prospect Park tunnel, literally!

I wish I had something poetic to say about this picture! How about . . .
"Elder Maughan passes his 6 month mark and sees the light at the end of the tunnel!"
He's actually enjoying himself way too much to think about coming home yet!
So much to do, so little time. . .
This was a pday at Prospect Park. I googled "Prospect Park Tunnel" and I came up with this exact same picture, minus Justin, of course. (This is actually called Cleftridge Arch)
Prospect Park is beautiful. A large nature conservancy, Brooklyn's only lake, a bandshell, seven baseball diamonds, a private Quaker cemetery, and the Prospect Park Zoo, plus a large lush meadow make up this 585 acre public park.

Kickin' back at the Staten Island Pad

Say Cheese!

Justin just got a new haircut!
If any of you remember the "shaggy" days, this is quite a change.
We loved him with the "mop" and we love him without!

Friends along the way...

Elder Lucariello

Elder Hess from Garland, Utah. He went home the day after this picture was taken.

Elder Brough- He's wearing Justins other name tag!

Assistant to the President Elder Jurgens

Sister Eschler

Sister Grover Served with Justin in Bensonhurst

Elder Redden MTC Companion that flew to NYC with Justin

District Leader Elder Lau

A rainy day in Brooklyn!

Justin, doing his best John McCain impersonation!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Short and Powerful

The zone leaders asked for volunteers. Being the earger missionary that he is, Elder Maughan gladly volunteered. Then the zone leaders had each missionary eat a HOT PEPPER. This is how the missionarys are expected to keep their lessons, short and powerful, just like the peppers! Justin probably won't be so eager next time! He said he felt like his mouth was literally on fire!

(FYI: Justin takes his salsa MILD, not HOT!)

Atleast he's still smiling!

Bball with the Zone at the Dryker Heights Chapel

Salt Marsh Nature Center

Before Elder Maughan was transfered to Staten Island, he spent a pday at the Brooklyn Salt Marsh Nature Center. This looks like anywhere along the bank of the Snake River and he said it made him quite homesick! Can you believe this is in New York City? Upstate, maybe, but not the City!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Update after nearly 2 months, sorry!

It's been nearly 2 months since I've posted anything on this. Two reasons, 1) slow computer, 2) no pictures to post. I'm waiting for Elder Maughan's memory card to come in the mail. In his last email, he said he was going to lable it this week and then get it in the mail, we'll see! Anyway, for those of you who do check this, Justin is doing great. His letters are so positive and upbeat. He's serving with Elder Rencher from Provo, Utah and they are on/in Staten Island. Their ward is working really hard to do missionary work. Here is a quote from a recent letter. "On Sunday we had a huge turnout for church. The ward council made a huge push for the members to bring friends and potential investigators. There were about FIFTY more people at church yesterday than usual. Most of them were non-members but there were some inactives as well. Now we have to coordinate with the members so that we can begin teaching their friends. One of our investigators came to church yesterday too, which was great. It was the first one we've been able to get to church in the last two months. All the talks yesterday were about the basic principles of the gospel: the restoration, families, and the atonement. It was a really good meeting and everyone enjoyed it." As soon as I get more pictures, I'll get them on here.

Monday, June 16, 2008

A long way from home!

This picture was taken a few months ago, but I just wanted to share it with everyone.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Staten Island, here he comes!

Justin was transfered to Staten Island. He found out Sunday, June 8th and spent Monday, his p-day, packing. On Tuesday, he travelled to the Mission Office in Queens to meet up with his new companion, Elder Rencher. On Justin's first day in NYC, he was paired up with Elder Rencher to do some "street" teaching so he's already a little familiar with him. He's sad to be leaving Bensonhurst and some of the people in the ward, ie; the ward mission leader, Brother Johnson and his family, the Guerrerros, Bishop Motzing and Brother Carrion, who introduced Elder Maughan and Elder Swift to Harold. (see earlier post) He's excited for a new ward, but sad to see the old one go.

Staten Island is about the size of Brooklyn with half the population. Of all the New York City boroughs, it is the most rural.

Manhattan Temple and the Lincoln Center

Back in April, Justin was able to attend the temple. The missionaries get to go into Manhattan to attend the temple usually only twice while on their mission; once when they are out a year and then again right before they come home. Soon after Justin arrived in NYC, there was a special occassion and he was able to go with his zone. The temple is located right across from the Lincoln Center which is the home to The Metropolitan Opera, The New York City Ballet, The New York Philharmonic Orchestra and several other resident performing arts companies. I know the temple was the highlight of this trip into Manhattan, but the Lincoln Center was a close second!

Friday, May 23, 2008

My favorite picture, so far!

This is my favorite picture of Justin, so far. He looks SO happy. That's the Brooklyn Bridge behind him. The Brooklyn Bridge just celebrated 125 years. There was quite the celebration, complete with fireworks!

Harolds Baptism- April 20th, 2008

Elder Swift, Raymond Carrion, Elder Maughan, Harold and Harold's sister, Jeannie.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Brooklyn Bridge

Justin is on the Brooklyn Bridge with a little of that famous New York skyline in the background.

Justin is on the Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn Bridge. That's Manhattan you can see in the distance. Manhattan is not part of his mission; therefore, the missionary's aren't allowed to go into Manhattan without permisison. This bridge is the oldest suspension bridge in the world. It opened May 24, 1883 and took 13 years to build. It connects Manhattan and Brooklyn and crosses the East River.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Staten Island

5) Justin gettin' some grub at the Chili's on Staten Island, YUM!

4) The district at Chili's on Staten Island

3) View from Staten Island Ferry

2) Leaving Ferry Terminal

1) Catching the Ferry to Staten Island

Brooklyn Museum

Here's Justin with the "original" George W. and Honest Abe!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Finally~More Pictures

Back at the beginning of April, Justin had the chance to go to the Brooklyn Museum. This past Friday, May 9th, we finally got pictures. This is Justin and his group at the museum. His companion is the one closest to the green wall.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Elder Maughan had his first baptism the past Sunday, April 20th. Harold has been taking the discussions for quite a while, but finally committed to baptism. Harolds' sister has been a member for a year and they walk nearly 50 blocks to get to church each week. Now THAT'S faith.

Here is a little part of Justin's letter home, "Harold has come along way since we met the first weekend in Brooklyn. That first night he wasn't involved in the discussion. He wouldn't make eye contact, he wasn't paying attention and he wasn't retaining anything. He came to church but didn't talk to anyone and he was always really nervous about everything. But now, he's beaming, talking to people at church, telling us stories. He and his sister are pretty dedicated. They walk close to forty or fifty blocks to get to the church every week. It takes a good hour-and-a-half. Isn't that amazing? The gospel has truly blessed his life! You can see the light that has come into him."

(Still waiting for pictures)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Elder Maughan and Brother and Sister dePaula

Back in February, I was snooping around on the internet trying to find out some information about Justin's mission. I did a search for the New York New York South Mission and I happend upon a blog set up by a missionary couple serving in this mission. When I opened up their blog, I saw two of the friendliest faces I'd ever seen. I was immediately drawn to them. So much so that I decided to write them a little note telling them about Justin and to have them keep a look out for him. I would check in occassionally, hoping to see Justin, but mostly curious as to what the dePaula's were up to and to maybe see some of the beautiful sights of New York. Today, however, I got more than I bargained for! A picture of Justin and this lovely couple I'd come to know through their blog. They are doing wonderful things in New York and if you'd like to see for yourself, go to Who knows, maybe we'll see more of Justin! Thanks Brother and Sister dePaula, you've made my day! A very smiley missionary mom-- Jamie