Saturday, February 13, 2010

Elder Maughan flies into Twin Falls March 3rd at 6:01 pm. Anyone that wants to help us greet him at the airport is invited. He'd love to see all of you. He reports on March 14th at 11:30 a.m. at the Elizabeth bldg. if you'd like to come and hear him speak! It's been a long two years but has gone by quickly. Thank you to all of you who have written and sent packages. I know he's appreciated everything. When he gets settled, I'll have him post some pictures. If I have have time between now and then, I'll try to get some on here. He's in Riverhead, Long Island, NY. He's loved serving the people in this area of his mission. Hope to see you soon! :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

An "almost" update

Ok, not enough time for a full post so here's an "almost" post. Elder Maughan has a new companion. He is with Elder Gaspar and they are out of the far eastern end of Long Island in Riverhead. Justin has wanted to go out there more than anyother place in his mission. His new address is posted to the right. Look for a complete update and pictures sometime soon, say, November! Just kidding. They'll be here soon.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Updates coming

I realize that I haven't kept up on Elder Maughan's blog very well. Sorry, it's been a busy summer. I will update it soon. You will notice that Elder Maughan has a new/old address. Yes, that's right, he's back in Brooklyn. Same apartment and everything. Thanks for checking in on him and I'll update soon.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bonus Video Clips

Elder Maughan recently sent home his memory card. We found the three following video clips. The first one was taken in Manhattan on New Years Eve day. His companion had a doctors appointment in Manhattan. The second one is of Elder Maughan and Elder Teixiera running to catch the Staten Island Ferry. It was his last p-day on Staten Island. The last video is hard to understand because of the wind. He says something about being his last day on Staten and he's a little bummed, but he has the whole city ahead of him. Again, Elder Teixier is running the camera.

Sights and sounds of Manhattan New Years Eve 08

Running to catch the Ferry November 2008

Last day on Staten Island- November 2008